A parish finance council is mandated by Canon Law and diocesan statute. Members are appointed by the Pastor to advise him, the parish staff, the pastoral council, and the development council on matters relating to the stewardship of the parish’s financial resources.
Fr. Corey Tufford - Finance Council President
Tim Ruth - Finance Council Chairman
Tom Adema
Sana Auro
Rosa Carney
Steve Crabtree
Chris Dameron
Kenneth D’Cruz
Remy Galarpe
Randall Gustafson
Alison Gustafson
As of 2024
The Pastoral Council serves as a consultative body to the Pastor in developing and implementing the vision and mission of the parish. The council is responsible for developing a pastoral plan in collaboration with the Pastor, the parish staff and the parish community and encouraging and supporting the parish community in fulfilling its mission. Each year, parishioners are asked to consider this leadership position for themselves or another member of the community.
Fr. Corey Tufford – Pastoral Council President
Jimmy Villalobos – Pastoral Council Chair
Michelle Arkansas
Damon & Laura Braden
Joseph & Eileen Carton
Crystal Farida
Rex & Lali Chan
Deacon Tim & Nicole Clark
Maria Cleveland
Chris & Bunty Cross
John & Elizabeth Dandash
Patricia Payne
Chris Villalobos
Rosemary Wellington
As of 2024
The pastoral leadership at Santa Sophia includes a caring team of professional staff, volunteers, and various council members.