The Holy Mass is called the "Source and Summit" of the life of the Church. The Sunday celebration of the Eucharist is the center of the parish's life. Daily Mass, the celebration of sacraments outside of the Mass, and private devotional prayer, such as Eucharistic Adoration, each complement the weekly Sunday celebration of the Eucharistic Liturgy.
Read through the sections below and be open to how God might be inviting you to help the parish in its various liturgical ministries.
Use the contact form at the bottom of this page to get in touch with our sacristan and learn more about the ministries that interest you. Please contact the pastor for more information about becoming a sacristan or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion.
Ushers and greeters welcome and assist parishioners and visitors as they arrive to Holy Mass. They play an important role in not only helping people feel welcome, but also in helping people get connected and engaged in our parish community.
The role of usher includes assisting with the collection and maintaining the flow of communicants during the distribution of Holy Communion.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Sunday and weekday Masses.
They receive training and encouragement, and are expected to prepare their proclamation thoroughly and carefully, through prayer and practice. A workbook is provided to help with preparation, along with gentle but specific instruction.
Anyone who is a Catholic in good standing, high school age and up, may serve in this ministry. Teens who are not yet confirmed must be enrolled in Confirmation preparation to participate in this ministry.
Boys and girls from grades 4 through 12 may serve as altar servers.
High school seniors and graduates may continue serving as long as they wish, and may take on additional responsibilities based on this ministry, such as master of ceremonies for special celebrations, training assistant, and sacristan.
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion assist at Masses in the distribution of Holy Communion.
Anyone who is Confirmed and in good standing in the Catholic Church is eligible for this ministry.
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion may also make a request to the Pastor to bring the holy Eucharist to the sick and homebound on behalf of the entire parish community.
Contact the pastor if you are interested in this ministry.
Sacristans should have a love for the sacred liturgy and a profound reverence and love for Jesus Christ present in the holy Eucharist. Ideally, a sacristan should have prior experience of, or exposure to monastic, religious, or seminary life since these offer exceptional training for liturigical ministry.
Sacristans prepare the church building, sacred vessels, hosts, liturgical books, and sacred linens for each liturgy.
Usually, sacristans are trained as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
This ministry takes about one and half hours prior to and 30 minutes after each Mass. Persons seeking the role of sacristan must have received the sacrament of Confirmation and be in good standing with the Catholic Church to be eligible for this ministry.
Please contact the pastor for more information.
The Children's Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 11:00am Mass on Sunday mornings.
Children in ages 4 through 7 are sent from the main assembly to a nearby space where they celebrate the Liturgy of the Word in a simplified, yet equivalent format. All children return to the church at the offertory.
Pre-registration is not required for children to participate.
Leaders must have a love of the liturgy and an understanding of effective communication with children. Training is provided, and leaders and volunteers work as teams.
For more information contact the Catechetical Ministry Office: 619-463-6011
This group designs, prepares, and implements many beautiful and important details of the liturgical environment for the Holy Mass.