The Parish Office has many resource referrals to help you, your family, and/ or friends during difficult times. You can also review the list below to see some of the most frequently used resources and contact them directly.
Parish Office
619-463-6629, email
Requests to add family for friends to the church prayer list
Call the parish office at (619) 463-6629 to provide your name, the name of the ill person, their medical issue, and your relationship to the ill person. Names will be added to the next bulletin prayer list for four weeks.
This beautiful sacrament is for anyone facing a serious illness or surgery. Anointing of the Sick is available on the first Saturday of every month following the 4:30pm Mass for anyone facing a serious illness or surgery. Gather around the Baptismal font after the 4:30pm Mass to receive this sacrament if you are facing a serious illness or surgery. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick can be repeated when a person’s health situation worsens. This sacrament is not offered after the time of death.
To arrange a private anointing, email or call the parish office at the email and number above.
For an emergency anointing after office hours, call 619-388-8696.
If you or someone you know is homebound and would like to receive Eucharist please call the parish office.
When a family member has died please contact the office to set up a meeting with the pastor to prepare for a funeral. Visit our funeral planning page here.
“Life after Loss” is for those grieving over the death of a loved one (spouse, sibling, child) regardless of the circumstances. Seven-session support program is held on the Church campus (room will be announced). Call the parish office 619-463-6629 for information on when next session will begin.
Dialing 211 will connect you to a city-wide referral service for a large menu of crisis needs such as food, housing and medical resources.
A San Diego community service ministry providing assistance for emergencies, homeless women, counseling, pregnancy, parenting, adoption, refugees, and more.
Program Directory
Visit page here.
Provides classes to teach couples to plan their family without the use of chemical, mechanical or other artificial means.
After abortion healing support and retreats for Catholic (or Catholic friendly) women.
If your marriage is not what you want it to be, if communication has broken down, if you are divorced or separated but want to repair your relationship, then Retrouvaille is for you.
email [email protected] or visit
Retrouvaille in Spanish
email [email protected]
The enriching weekend is for married couples who wish to fall more in love with each other than ever!
The Diocese of San Diego has an online dating resource for Catholic single adults.
Our purpose is to put Catholic young adults in their 20’s and 30’s, single and married, in touch with each other and with the church.
Young Adult Ministry