Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturdays: 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Closed on Holidays
(619) 341-1786 or (619) 463-6629 x235
If you are a neighbor in need, this wonderful service is open to you. If you know a neighbor in need, please refer them to the pantry.
Learn more about the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in San Diego at the following link: https://svdp-sandiego.org/
Almost 30 years ago the Pastor and Parishioners of Santa Sophia recognized the need to lend assistance to our neighbors in the area who had fallen on difficult times. Their “I wish I could help…” resulted in forming a Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference in 1987.
The Santa Sophia Conference is going strong and very active. People still get seriously ill, have accidents, lose jobs, are new to the area or made poor choices that they are trying to correct.
Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners and our 100% volunteer workers, we currently feed approximately 350 families a month, provide food bags for the homeless, and give financial assistance in some emergency situations. Through home visits, we work to provide support and resource guidance to help our neighbors help themselves.
If you would like to help your neighbors in need while getting to know your fellow parishioners, this is a perfect opportunity. This is an open invitation to join us. Stop by the pantry. You are also welcome to visit our monthly meeting.
SVdP holds its General Meeting on the 4th Saturday of the month at 2:30PM in the Verhoeven Room. The 4:30PM Mass that Saturday is offered for the intentions of SVdP and its members.